VBM Letter of Distinction
Students at UCSD may earn a "Letter of Distinction" in High Value Healthcare for future application files, MSPE, etc.
The letter will be formally endorsed and signed by the national Choosing Wisely STARS foundation and Dr. Seymann.
In order to qualify for this letter, students must do the following:
Complete Med 285
Complete all 10 Dell Modules
Become an active member of the HVC Student Interest Group
This includes attendance at events (at least 3 events to apply for the distinction) as well as participation (in things like a case competition, the Health Value Lab project, planning or running a VBM meeting, or staffing the VBM table at events like second look).
Complete a written testimonial (1-2 paragraphs is sufficient) committing to integrate value-based care principles in your future practice
When you have met the requirements, please fill out this form and email the Faculty Director Dr. Greg Seymann at gseymann@health.ucsd.edu once your application is submitted to begin the review process.